maddie jane

: : : geek diaries : : :

welcome... this is, a collection of musings, random thoughts, some pictures of me and my friends, and lots of my daughter, maddie, some links to favorite places on the 'net, and various sundry other things. have a look around, you might find something useful, or even interesting.

there isn't any rhyme or reason, this is a place for me to vent, post thoughts, comment on the mundane, quote verse, and sometimes share the very rare flashes of sheer, unadulterated genius. they can happen to anyone, even me.

: : : i'm a geek, get over it : : :

this site, and all pages, images, and content herein are (c) brian j. bolander. you may not link to nor use any image or content without prior written permission.
: : :   the archives   : : :

. . . convoys are fun

click for a larger image

. . . afghanistan sucks

it's been about three weeks, and so far, i've been sick as a dog, had a cat poo all over my boots (and not the toes, either, no, the juicy stuff all over the laces and the tounge), been busier than a one-armed paper hanger, and dreadfully homesick.

the convoys are almost fun. almost.

so, i can honestly say that i'm so tired sleeping on a cot in a sleeping bag is becoming downright restful, if not something to actually look forward to. and it's so cold here it isn't even funny.

but, all that aside, the people are great, the job challenging, the days full. the food bloody sucks, though, so looks like i'll be coming home skinny.

now, if i could just go back to california every night in some sort of instantaneous teleporter (sans cat poo) i'd be a happy guy, because i miss home and all the things there terribly.

here's to my loved ones - you know who you are. i miss you all, and will be home sooner than you think. i hope that you are all well, and can feel my love upon you every moment of every day.

and i'd keep my head down, but if i did that, how would i know where to shoot back???

. . . new maddie pictures

are up at the images section...enjoy!

. . . i'm here

ah, lovely afghanistan. what a nightmare getting here was, what a nightmare the next four months look to be. you know it's bad when you're already to come home and you've been on the ground less than 24 hours. i miss my house, my girl, and my life.

i'll get some pictures up as soon as i can...

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